Copy of Publications from the Berry Lab


Distinct cellular and molecular mechanisms for β3 adrenergic receptor-induced beige adipocyte formation Jiang Y, Berry DC, Graff JM. Elife. 2017 Oct 11;6. pii: e30329. doi: 10.7554/eLife.30329. PMID: 29019320

A PPARγ transcriptional cascade directs adipose progenitor cell-niche interaction and niche expansion. Jiang Y, Berry DC, Jo A, Tang W, Arpke RW, Kyba M, Graff JM. Nature communications. 2017; 8:15926. PMID: 28649987

Cellular Aging Contributes to Failure of Cold-Induced Beige Adipocyte Formation in Old Mice and Humans. Berry DC, Jiang Y, Arpke RW, Close EL, Uchida A, Reading D, Berglund ED, Kyba M, Graff JM. Cell metabolism. 2017; 25(1):166-181. NIHMSID: NIHMS831654 PMID: 27889388


Emerging Roles of Adipose Progenitor Cells in Tissue Development, Homeostasis, Expansion and Thermogenesis. Berry DC, Jiang Y, Graff JM. Trends in endocrinology and metabolism: TEM. 2016; 27(8):574-85. PMID: 27262681

Mouse strains to study cold-inducible beige progenitors and beige adipocyte formation and function. Berry DC, Jiang Y, Graff JM. Nature communications. 2016; 7:10184. PMID: 26729601


Cellular retinoic acid-binding protein 2 inhibits tumor growth by two distinct mechanisms. Vreeland AC, Levi L, Zhang W, Berry DC, Noy N. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2014; 289(49):34065-73. PMID: 25320093

Independent stem cell lineages regulate adipose organogenesis and adipose homeostasis. Jiang Y, Berry DC, Tang W, Graff JM. Cell reports. 2014; 9(3):1007-22. NIHMSID: NIHMS632769 PMID: 25437556

Holo-retinol-binding protein and its receptor STRA6 drive oncogenic transformation. Berry DC, Levi L, Noy N. Cancer research. 2014; 74(21):6341-51. NIHMSID: NIHMS625824 PMID: 25237067

The retinol esterifying enzyme LRAT supports cell signaling by retinol-binding protein and its receptor STRA6. Marwarha G, Berry DC, Croniger CM, Noy N. FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. 2014; 28(1):26-34. PMID: 24036882